Katja Bulfon
The person as an individual, in his/her uniqueness, with all his/her desires,
imaginations and needs have always fascinated me.
As a registered nurse I was able to regardfully follow patients, listen actively, take them seriously and support them respectfully. When dealing with critically or terminally ill persons, I consider empathy, respect, honesty and the person‘s dignity of utmost importance.
Triggered through the job-related situation of my husband I was able to spend several years of my life in USA and South-East-Asia, where also our son was born. During this in part very challenging time my horizon was widened and my comprehension of various cultures was enormoursly shaped. These cumulative experiences have led me to also offer my services in English.
As a mother I was able to experience different development stages of my child. To learn from my son is one of the biggest gift to me. Therefore working with kids and teenagers is close to my heart. I am convinced that active listening, unprejudiced and respectful contact paired with trustful relationship building will leave a positive impact on our kids and teeanagers.
Since 2018 I also volunteer in the psychotherapeutic area for ‘pro mente’ in Klagenfurt.
Through the education to a person centered psychotherapist I have professionalized my passion. In addition I have completed a three year education specializing on infant-, child- and adulescent psychotherapy.